[컨템포러리] ROOM WITH A VIEW - contemporary dance performance - MN DANCE COMPANY

MN Dance Company presents contemporary dance performance ROOM WITH A VIEW recorded back in December 2014 and one part in november 2015.


Since we finished our touring with this dance performance, we are uploading the video, so it can be reached by all of you who wanted to see the performance, but did not make it to the theatres.  


Choreography: Michal Rynia in Nastja Bremec  

Dance: Tomi Cinej, Nastja Bremec, Michal Rynia, Noriko Nishidate, Martina Beraldo, Luca Ghedini, Siniša Bukinac, Mara Rogelja, Tjaša Bucik, Lia Zuljan, Emili Bizjak  

Dramaturg and producent: Klavdija Zupan  

Music: Diaphane, Olafur Arnalds

Light design: Samo Oblokar  

Costumes and scenography: MN  

Video: Ajaz Novak, Fabris Šulin, Zavod Azmurk  

Sound: Vladimir Hmeljak Make up: Ana Lazovski

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